Ooooooo, this is it! The heat is on. Family have assembled, anxious muscles have been massaged, second skin is applied to toe, toenails are cut, bum bag is packed. I am instructed to eat lots and keep off my feet as much as poss. So I am lying on the sofa watching crappy films on ITV2. I have eaten every form of carb staple known to man today: 9am rice cakes; 10.30, toast; 1pm, salmon sandwich; 2pm pasta salad; 3pm, cous cous salad; 4.30, rice crispie square x 2; 6.30pm, soya bean salad; 9pm, stir fried brown rice. I am ftb, this part of my training I have taken VERY seriously, plus I am taking part in a lucozade nutrition survey, I think they will be impressed...
I don't feel so nervous today, the inevitability of the event has taken over and there is a calm in knowing that whatever I should have done that I haven't done is too late to consider now anyway. I am even going to treat myself to half a glass of wine in a mo. Don't hold out much hope for sleep tonight, managed an hour's nap this afternoon anyway...
Had a wee gander over the route, haven't done much homework on this but I like surprises. Have noted train times to Greenwich and packed my marathon sack full of just-in-case items. I just don't want to walk, whatever happens I want to RUN the marathon. I have had no significant injuries in training, now it is time to trust my body and go for it.
So here we go...........................................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
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