Saturday, 28 February 2009

MORE aches and pains

HB-PB, 8m, 1 h 13m 09s. Very warm.

Fear is setting in. 20 miles in less than 2 weeks' time? Nutter. Am conscious that I should take it easy in the run up (ha!) to my 2nd race, but I also want to put in extra training for my confidence. I have stumbled along 17 miles, and properly run 15. There is no reason I shouldn't manage 20...Is there? 

This doubt is good practice for the Big Event. I just read an article on what nervous adrenaline does to your bowels. It seems Immodium is the marathon runner's most treasured item, second only to Vasaline (or 'Bodyglide', the pro alternative and entertaining Google search). I wish to maintain some level of dignity on race day. I do not want to do a Paula (and I don't mean running 26 miles in 2 hours and 21 minutes).

My knee (right) hurt (right) from the beginning of today's run. I stretched it and persisted, it didn't trouble me again until the home stretch, but the left side of my back is hurting now and I wonder if it was compensating for some of the knee strain.

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